Dr. Mahran Kazerooni, MBBS.
ENT Consultant, Rhinology & Facial Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Kazerooni graduated from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India. He is Arab Board (CABS) certified in ENT and has received his fellowship training in ENT/Rhinology/head & neck surgery at Auckland, New Zealand and thereafter fellowship training in ENT/Fascial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Ohio, USA.
Dr. Kazerooni is currently the president of Bahrain ORL, Head & Neck Association and has served for more than 20 years at Bahrain Ministry of Health/Salmaniya Medical Center, the largest government hospital in the Kingdom. He was a co-Founder of Bahrain Society of Cochlear implantation and hearing impairment. He has also served as member in many MOH related committees such as the Medical Commission Committee.
Dr. Kazerooni is a member of the American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine.